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Arts and Health Australia

Australian Centre for Arts and Health - the Not For Profit Peak Body for the Arts and Health Sector in Australia

The Australian Centre for Arts and Health.

Vision: Health and Wellbeing through the Arts

Mission: To promote and support Health and Wellbeing through the Arts

Who We Are: National peak body to promote and support arts and health practices in Australia

Inaugural Members:

The objectives of The Australian Centre for Arts and Health are to:

  1. To promote and develop the application of creativity and the arts for health and quality of life outcomes for all people in Australia, regardless of age, race, gender or religious or political persuasion. 
  2. To promote arts and creativity as a positive activity for people with physical and mental health issues and healthy ageing.
  3. To provide a broad-based communication network in relation to art and creative expression for people with health outcomes for both the individual and the community 
  4. To foster co-operation, information and resource sharing between groups and individuals to ensure effective and efficient use of arts and creative services to meet the needs of people with disabilities and/or disadvantage. 
  5. To provide a direct link, through consultative processes, with government and non-government organisations involved in, or intending to be involved in, the field of the arts and creative expression. 
  6. To advocate, on behalf of the sector, to government and non-government organisations on all matters relating to the arts. 
  7. To facilitate community education about the role the arts and creative expression and appreciation to people and the community.

Australian Centre for Arts and Health (ACAH) – Building a new future for arts and health in Australia

ACAH is a not-for-profit health promotion charity with DGR status, building on the achievements of national advocacy and networking organization Arts and Health Australia (AHA). 

ACAH has been established to represent and influence arts and health practice in Australia, working closely with the sector to form a united vision and movement nationally.

ACAH is an organization with outstanding international connections and will stand alongside peak bodies in the UK (National Alliance for Arts, Health and Wellbeing), USA (Alliance for Arts and Health), Canada (ArtsHealth Network Canada) and support new peak body initiatives under development, such as in Singapore and Hong Kong.

ACAH Contact

Director and Board Member: Margret Meagher, Arts and Health Australia

Tel: 0416 641 482
Email: margret@artsandhealth.org
Web: www.artsandhealth.org