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Arts and Health Australia

Wednesday 16 November 2011

9am - 10.30am Morning Plenary Session 3: Creative Ageing
11am - 12.45pm Breakout Sessions 3
12.45pm - 2pm Lunch in the Sculpture Garden
2.15pm - 4pm Plenary Session 4: Education and the Arts
4pm - 5.30pm Afternoon Breakout Sessions
5.30pm - 6.30pm Networking Party
7.30pm - 9.30pm Informal gatherings for dinner, Canberra restaurants (at own expense)


8 am - 5 pm
Conference Registrations at Arts and Health Australia Help Desk

8.45 am
Welcome by Margret Meagher, Executive Director, Arts and Health Australia
Acknowledgement of Country, Gabriella Carroll, Conference Chair, Arts and Health Australia

9 am - 10.30 am
Plenary Session 3: Creative Ageing

Chair: Carrie McGee, Educator, Community and Access Programs, Department of Education, Museum of Modern Art New York: including the Meet me at MoMA Alzheimer's Program

Adriane Boag Program Co-ordinator, Youth and Community Programs, Education, National Gallery of Australia
Art and Dementia 

Alice Thwaite, Director, Equal Arts, Newcastle, UK
Creative Ageing

Dominic Campbell, Festival Director, Bealtaine, Ireland
Bealtaine: What kind of old do I want to be and what kind of world do I want to grow older in? 

Q & A 

10.30am - 11am
Morning Tea

11 am - 12.45 pm
Breakout Sessions 3

12.45 pm - 2 pm
Lunch Sculpture Garden

2pm - 4pm
Plenary Session 4: The Arts and Health in Education

Chair: Professor Brad Haseman Assistance Dean (Research), Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology and Chair, Community Partnerships Committee, Australia Council for the Arts.

Dr Gerri Frager Medical Director, Pediatric Palliative Care Service, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia and Director of the Medical Humanities - HEALS program, Dalhousie University
Ed's Story: The Dragon Chronicles

Dr Gary Christenson Director of Mental Health, Boynton Health Service, adjunct professor of psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical School, President, Society for the Arts in Healthcare, Washington DC
Five Reasons Why We Need the Arts in Medicine

Dr Bernie Warren, Professor of Drama in Education and Community, University of Windsor, Canada and Founder, Fools for Health, working in hospitals and healthcare facilities as Dr Haven’t-a-Clue
Dr Peter Spitzer GP, Medical Director, Humour Foundation, Chief Investigator, SMILE Study, University of New South Wales and Visiting Medical Office, Southern Highlands Private Hospital, NSW
Memories of a smile: Twenty-five years of clowns promoting good health and wellbeing across the lifespan in hospitals and residential care facilities

Q & A 

4.15 pm - 5.30 pm
Breakout sessions 4

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm
Networking Party

7pm to 9.30pm
Informal Dinners in Canberra – delegates are invited to continue the conversation over dinner (at their own expense) and will be advised about registering their interest.