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Arts and Health Australia

Tuesday 10 November 2009

7.30am – 5.00pm
Conference Help Desk and Registrations

Pre Conference Workshops - full day and half day

5.00pm – 8.30pm
Official Opening Glasshouse Theatre and Welcome Reception, Mercure Centro Hotel

Pre Conference Full Day Workshop, 9am – 3.30pm

Toolkit: Arts in Healthcare Program Essentials
Presented by Naj Wikoff, Society for the Arts in Healthcare, Washington DC with a panel of conference presenters. A practical workshop, drawing on best practice models, to guide the development and management of an arts and health program in hospitals, aged care facilities, schools, community health organisations, local government and business.

Pre Conference Half Day Workshop, 9am – 12pm

Creativity Matters – The Arts and Ageing Toolkit
Presented by Susan Perlstein, MSW, Co-Founder and Director of Education, National Center for Creative Aging, Washington DC, this workshop will present guidelines for developing a Creative Ageing program, drawing on her experience as founder and director of Elders Share the Arts, a community program Susan established in Brooklyn, New York.

Pre Conference Half Day Workshop 3, 9am – 12pm

Making Art Accessible to People with Dementia in Museums and Art Galleries
Carrie McGee, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Adriane Boag, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Margaret Allen, Alzheimer’s Australia (NSW), Port Macquarie
The Museum of Modern Art and National Gallery of Australia are among the first museums to offer programs specifically designed for people with dementia and their caregivers. This practical workshop will equip museum and gallery professionals with the tools to develop similar initiatives within their own institutions.

National Gallery of Australia ProgramMuseum of Modern Art Program

Left: Adriane Boag facilitating a visit to the NGA exhibition George Lambert for residential care visitors. Right: Participants in MoMA's art and Alzheimer education program.

Download Abstract PDF

Pre Conference Half Day Workshop 4, 12.30pm – 3.30pm

Strictly Limited to 20 People

Are We There Yet? - Finding the means for meaningful international exchange of practice and research in community-based arts in health
Convened by Mike White, Centre for Medical Humanities, Durham University, UK
Alison Clough, Creative Director, Pioneer Projects and Looking Well, UK
David Doyle, Executive Director, DADAA WA
An opportunity to share thoughts on how successful collaborations can be developed between like-minded people working on arts in community health in different parts of the world.
Download Abstract PDF

Pre Conference Half Day Workshop 5, 9am – 12pm

Strictly limited to 30 People

The Power of Sacred Circle Dance
Sally Denman, Administrator, Arts in Mental Health Program, Napa State Hospital, California
Dance. Have fun. Relieve stress. The dances and music, both joyful and meditative, are drawn from many cultures and traditions from around the world, ancient as well as more recently choreographed. No experience necessary. The steps are simple and easy to learn. If you can walk, you can dance!


Official Opening Ceremony and Cocktail Party

Special guest actor Noeline Brown, Ambassador for Ageing, Office for an Ageing Australia, Department of Health and Ageing.

Department of Health and Ageing Aevum Living UNESCO  ObservatoryNational Ageing  Research Institute