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Arts and Health Australia

Thursday 12 November 2009

6.00am – 6.45am
Rise and Shine on the Beach

7.30am – 5.00pm
Conference Help Desk and Registrations

8.00am – 5.00pm
Conference program including Plenary Presentations, Breakout Sessions and Workshops

5.15pm – 7.15pm
Special interest dinners with new and old friends (own expense) - Time to Network’

7.30pm – 9.30pm
Show and Tell, Glasshouse Theatre

Morning PLENARY SESSION Creative Ageing

Welcome, Acknowledgement to Country

Improvised Performance - Dr Brendan McPhillips - White

Creative Ageing
Susan Perlstein, Founder and Director of Education, National Center for Creative Aging, Washington DC and founder Elders Share the Arts, New York
Australia's aging population and growing prevalence of long-term health conditions makes strategies concerning healthy and happy aging an imperative for today. Coined 'creative ageing', Susan will present US policy issues, programs and results from the breakthrough research she conducted with Dr Gene Cohen.

Aging through a Physician's Lens
Jeffrey Levine, MD, Gerontologist and Photographer, New York
This presentation weaves together themes of art and medicine, and concludes that geriatrics is the most humanistic of medical specialties. The talk raises questions about our system of medical education, training, and reimbursement which has led to the gap between needs of the growing elderly population and numbers of qualified caregivers.

A Safe Space for Scary Conversations
Molly Carlile is a registered nurse, counsellor, counselling supervisor and educator, committed to helping people have informed conversations about death and grief. She currently manages the largest metropolitan palliative care consortia in Victoria. Discussing death and grief with a patient can be extremely uncomfortable without the right communication tools. Mollie argues that the arts can significantly help when broaching terminal illness in a medical environment.

Morning Breakout Sessions

"Just hold that thought and... ... I'll get the counselor!"
Molly Carlile, palliative care specialist, presents communication tools to handle terminal illness with sensitivity.

Finding a Way to Alleviate Suffering through Immersive Art at End of Life
Efterpi Soropos, Artist-in-Residence, McCulloch House, Palliative Care Unit, Monash Medical Centre

Art and Alzheimer's Outreach Programs - MoMA, NGA and Alzhiemer's Australia
Carrie McGee, Museum of Modern Art New York
Adriane Boag, National Gallery of Australia Canberra
Margaret Allen, Alzheimer's Australia (NSW), Port Macquarie

MADE Better
Glen Murray, Mature Artists Dance Experience Inc.: MADE better - older adults dance and performing arts, Hobart, TAS

Creative Movement to Music in an Aged Care Facility
Rachel O'Loughlin (physiotherapist), Greater Southern Area Health Service, Broulee, NSW

Inside Out Expressive Movement in Daily Life
Ken Granneman, Director, Star of the Sea Theatre, Manly

Music for Life - A Singing Workshop for Seniors
Jenny Ainsworth, Musica Viva, Strawberry Hills NSW 2010

The Impact of an Arts and Music in Hospitals program on Children - Patients and their Carers
Costanza Preti, Institute of Education, University of London

The Ability of Musical Features to Manipulate emotions: A Music Perception Perspective
Emery Schubert, School of English, Media and Performing Arts, University of NSW, NSW

People Learning from People: A Crafted Story Approach
Moya Sayer-Jones, Director, Only Human Communication
Strategic storytelling and the value of using the crafted story approach to building better understanding between family, community and health professionals.

Taking Body and Mind Seriously: Profile of a Poetry Writing Workshop for People who have experienced a Life-Threatening Illness
Dr Jill Gordon, Associate Professor, Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney, General Practitioner and Founder of the Medical Humanities Association of Australia and New Zealand

Poetry in Motion: Linking the Neuroscience of Language, Music and Movement
Professor Ian Gibbins, Head of Anatomy & Histology, Flinders University, South Australia

THURSDAY Afternoon PLENARY SESSION - Research and Evaluation

Research in the Arts and Healthcare Meta-Analysis Results and an Agenda for Future Research
Cheryl Dileo, Professor of Music Therapy and Director, Arts and Quality of Life Research Center, Temple University, Philadelphia
Joke Bradt, Assistant Director, Arts and Quality of Life Research Center, Temple University, Philadelphia
Cochrane reviews on the effectiveness of arts and health, covering: 1) Music for people with coronary heart disease, 2) Music therapy for acquired brain injury, 3) Music for pre-operative anxiety, 4) Music for anxiety reduction in mechanically ventilated patients, 5) Music interventions for improving psychological and physical outcomes in cancer patients, 6) Dance therapy for improving psychological and physical outcomes in cancer patients, and 7) Music therapy for symptom relief and support in end-of-life care.

Student Arts and Health Program
Gary Christenson, Director, Boynton Mental Health Clinic and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical School and Artistic Director, Center for Art and Medicine, University of Minnesota
A successful low-cost arts program addressing mental illness on a large university campus, and how this program can be adapted to other healthcare settings.

Performance - Dr Brendan McPhillips - Orange

THURSDAY Afternoon Breakout Sessions

Dinner Parties and Cabarets": Engaging creatively with LGBT Communities
Shane Garvey and David Farrington, Queensland Association for Healthy Communities

Why's it called Gay?
Mark Camilleri, Psychologist, Blood Borne Virus' Program, Community Educator Action Centre, Family Planning Victoria

Mental Health, Social Inclusion and the Arts - developing a national program
Marion Naidoo, Naidoo and Associates, London
Part of the UK government's National Social Inclusion Program to promote social inclusion for people with mental health problems through participation and access to the arts.

The Lost Generation
Wendy Cox and Simone Flavelle, Disability in the Arts, Disadvantage in the Arts, Australia (DADAA WA)

Arts and Health - How do we Evaluate Arts Impact on Health?
Leigh Tesch, Menzies Research Institute, University of Tasmania, TAS
Danielle Williams, Menzies Research Institute, University of Tasmania, TAS

Disseminate: The Journey So Far
David Doyle and Andrea Lewis, DADAAWA

Creating Order Out of Chaos: Music Therapy with Adolescents Living in Out of Home Care
Joanne McIntyre, Redbank House Adolescent, Child and Family Unit
Brendan New, Alternate Care Clinic, Redbank House, NSW

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Beth Rankin, La Trobe University, VIC

New Opera in Arts and Health - Avatara The Opera
Emma O'Brien, Manager and Senior Clinician, Music Therapy - Allied Health and Manager of Health Arts - Live Music, The Royal Melbourne Hospital

Creativity and Complexity - An Arts Workshop
Marian Naidoo, Shaun Naidoo, Naidoo & Associates, London

Arts and Health Salon Conversation
Ralph Kerle, Executive Chairman, The Creative Leadership Forum

THURSDAY Happy Hour and Film Festival in Theatre

Show and Tell: Film, Sound and New Media Critical Showcase

Department of Health and Ageing Aevum Living UNESCO  ObservatoryNational Ageing  Research Institute