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Arts and Health Australia

Arts and Health Research and Evaluation

Chair: Dr Peter Wright, Senior Lecturer, Arts Education and Research Methods, Academic Chair, Research and Postgraduate Studies, School of Education, Murdoch University, Perth WA

Professor Brad Haseman, Professor and Assistant Dean (Research) for the Creative Industries Faculty QUTAssistance Dean (Research), Creative Industries Faculty, Queensland University of Technology and Chair, Community Partnerships Committee, Australia Council for the Arts.
When you cannot 'Suit the action to the word, the word to the action': the case for performative evaluation
Professor Robyn Richmond, School of Public health, University of NSW
Art Assisting Smoking Prisoners to Quit
Lindsay Lovering, Arts Program Manager, Healthway WA
An overview of Healthway's Arts Sponsorship Program and the value of evaluation to develop strategies to effectively target 'at risk' sectors of the community through the use of sponsorship as a vehicle for health promotion