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Arts and Health Australia

The 2011 Art of Good Health and Wellbeing Conference Official Opening

Opening Address
Welcome by Margret Meagher, Executive Director of Arts and Health Australia and Acknowledgement of Country by Gabriella Carroll, Conference Chair.
Simon Elliott, Assistant Director, Cultural and Educational Services, National Gallery of Australia welcomes conference delegates to the NGA and launches the NGA's Art and Alzheimer's Outreach Program Training DVD
Official Opening by Gai Brodtmann MP, Member for Canberra on behalf of The Hon Simon Crean MP, Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, Minister for the Arts
Clive Parkinson, Director, Arts for Health, Manchester Metropolitan University
Plenary Address : The Interior, Design and Health which poses the question Just how relevant are the arts if you've been given a diagnosis of cancer or dementia?
Amy Vee, singer and songwriter, performs compositions from her latest EP Let Sleeping Dogs Lie