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Arts and Health Australia

Guidelines for Conference Abstracts and Awards' Nominations

Conference Abstracts and Nominations for the 2013 Arts and Health Australia Awards for Excellence

Deadline for Submissions: 24 May 2013

In 2013, the submission of abstracts for The Art of Good Health and Wellbeing conference program automatically qualifies the author(s) to be considered for an award in the 2013 Arts and Health Australia Awards for Excellence.

Completion of the submission form confirms the author’s permission to publish the abstract on the Arts and Health Australia Conference website – www.artsandhealth.org – and include in full or edited versions in related conference material.

It will be the presenter’s responsibility to obtain the appropriate copyright permission for materials used in their presentations.

Presenting authors are requested to bring a minimum 50 copies of their presentation or related material for distribution to attendees at their presentation.

Presenting authors can request that publications, cited in their abstract, be available at the conference bookstore and conference organisers will endeavour to arrange.

Presenting authors are responsible for presentation expenses - handouts and personal expenses such as travel, hotel and conference registration fees.

Standard audio visual equipment - a screen, microphone and LCD projector - will be provided. Additional requirements can be arranged for hire.

Authors, whose submission has been accepted, must register and pay the delegate fee for the conference by 24 September 2013 to secure their place on the program.