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Arts and Health Australia

Andy Howitt

ABCD All Boys Can Dance

ABCD is an energetic and dynamic dance program that fills a crucial gap in the youth and dance sectors being the provision of equitable dance training and education for young men. We will fill this gap through a layered approach. We will:

This program will educate and challenge the social and cultural stereotypes that dance is a female-centric activity, shift male adolescent beliefs regarding masculinity and dance, while showcasing the creativity and self-expression of dance. It will provide significant benefits to the young males as detailed below.

In The Arts and Australian Education, Realising potential, R.Ewing states 6 Key creative indicators:

To ensure ongoing evaluation throughout the project, these creative indicators will be embedded into:

Participants in local dance groups and the all-male performance group will complete surveys and journals in which qualitative data will be collected. Data will be collected through focus groups with participants, dance educators/instructors, interviews with dance instructors and workshops observations, sharing days and rehearsals. The outcomes will be measured through tracking the number of young men that are re-engaged in education, health and employment.

Andy HowittAndy Howitt

Scottish-born Andy Howitt moved to Australia in 2013 to take on the role of Director and CEO of Ausdance Victoria, the state branch of Australia’s peak national dance body. Andy has worked as an artistic director, dance director, professional dancer, dance teacher, performer and choreographer.

Andy was born in Fife, and danced with Fife Youth Dance Company before going to the Laban Centre for Movement and Dance in London. He went on dance to with a number of dance companies including: Transitions Dance Company, National Dance Company of Wales, Scottish Opera and Scottish Dance Theatre.

He was Dance director with TAG Theatre Company; during his time with Tag he presented A Scots Quair and Lanark at the Edinburgh International Festival.

He was also Artistic Director of YDance (formerly Scottish Youth Dance) and City Moves Dance Agency.
