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Arts and Health Australia

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Pre-Conference Program

9am - 3pm
Pre-conference workshop

Toolkit: Arts in Healthcare Program Essentials, Building and Sustaining Arts in Healthcare Programs

Full Day Workshop
Naj Wikoff, President Emeritus, Society for the Arts in Healthcare, Washington DC and Principal, Creative Partnerships: East Hill Consulting, New York, with a panel of Australian and international experts.

A practical workshop, drawing on best practice models, to guide the development, management, marketing and funding of arts and health programs in hospitals, aged care facilities, schools, community health organisations, local government and business.


9am - 12pm
Pre-conference workshop

Creative Programming Across the Lifespan: A Professional Development Workshop and Discussion Group for Museum and Gallery Educators, responsible for delivering Community and Access Programs for Children, Families and Older People, including programs specifically designed for people with dementia and their carers.

Carrie McGee, Educator, Community and Access Programs, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York and Adriane Boag, Youth and Community Programs, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), Canberra.

9am - 3pm
Beyond the Patient Record - Creative Writing as Burnout Prevention for Health Practitioners - Full Day Workshop

Dr Hilton Koppe, senior medical educator with North Coast GP Training, is presenting a burnout prevention workshop, using creative writing as the tool. The workshop will allow participants an opportunity to experience the use of stories and writing as a means of helping them to better manage some of the more challenging aspects of their working life, and to make sense of what it means to be a health practitioner. Practical writing exercises will guide participants through a series of creative tasks which assist them in reflecting on the effect their clinical practice has on their lives, with the goal of increasing their enjoyment of work, and of life in general. Most of all, it will be an opportunity for some light hearted fun with colleagues. Click here for more details

Full Conference Program

5pm - 8pm
Official Opening and Welcome Reception

Special guest: Australian of the Year 2010, Professor Patrick McGorry AO, Professor of Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, Executive Director of Orygen Youth Health Research Centre and founding board member of headspace, National Youth Mental Health Foundation in conversation with Dr Gary Christenson, Director, Boynton Mental Health Clinic and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Facilitated by Dr Jill Gordon, General Practitioner and Associate Professor, Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney.

Department of Health and Ageing Aevum Living UNESCO  ObservatoryNational Ageing  Research Institute
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