Adriane Boag
Adriane Boag is a Program Coordinator at the National Gallery of Australia with responsibility for developing and delivering access programs for youth and community groups. Adriane has a Visual Arts degree with Honours in Painting and Sculpture from Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney Australia. Adriane has over twenty years teaching experience in tertiary and museum visual art education. Adriane coordinates regular tours for a wide variety of specialised audiences including people living with dementia and is the facilitator of the Art and Alzheimer’s’ Program at the National Gallery of Australia. In 2009 support from the Department of Health & Ageing made possible the development and delivery of the Art and Alzheimer’s Outreach Program. The Outreach Program’s aims and objectives support sustainable regionally specific programs in galleries for people living with Dementia. A two day training workshop for arts and health professionals has been developed from the experience gained within the current Art and Alzheimer’s Program at the National Gallery.
Additional Special Access programs are an established feature of Learning and Access planning and programming. A focus of her Gallery work with youth is the National Gallery of Australia and National Australia Bank Summer Art Scholarship, an annual week long art immersion program for sixteen year 11 students selected from each state and territory of Australia.
Adriane will conduct a pre-conference workshop in concert with Carrie McGee from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, who will present on the Art and Alzheimer's program Meet me at MoMA. The workshop will offer a blueprint for any museum or art gallery considering a similar strategy and equip museum professionals with methods of making art accessible to people with Alzeimer’s disease and their carers.The workshop will also offer training to health professionals working in hospitals, aged care facilities and community health services.
A highlight of the conference will be an opportunity to view Good Strong Powerful - An Exhibition from Northern Territory Art Studios working with Indigenous artists with disability.