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Arts and Health Australia

Tuesday 15 November 2011

9am - 10.45am Plenary Session 1: Arts and Health in Primary and Acute Care
11.15am - 1pm Morning Breakout Sessions
2.15pm - 3.45pm Plenary Session 2: Arts and Community Health
4pm - 5.30pm Afternoon Breakout Sessions
5.30pm - 7.30pm Findings: The Story of The Lost Generation Project, Gandel Hall, NGA


8 am - 5 pm
Conference Registrations at Arts and Health Australia Help Desk, NGA

8.45 am
Welcome by Margret Meagher, Executive Director, Arts and Health Australia
Acknowledgement of Country, Gabriella Carroll, Conference Chair, Arts and Health Australia

9 am - 10.45 am
Plenary Session 1: Arts and Health in Primary and Acute Care

Kristen Whittle, architect and urban designer, Bates Smart, Melbourne
Arts and Health at the New Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne

Sharon Woodworth, AIA, architect and nurse, Senior Associate, Anshen+Allen, a part of Stantec Architecure, California
Laguna Honda, A Long Term Care Facility in San Francisco

Anthony Ogden and Chris Richardson, architects, BVN Architecture, Brisbane
Integrating Art in the New Hospital - Two Case Studies, Two Approaches
Mater Mothers' Hospitals in Brisbane and the Robina Hospital Expansion Project, Gold Coast

Q & A

10.45 am - 11.15 am
Morning Tea

11.15 am - 1 pm
Breakout sessions

1 pm - 2 pm
Lunch Gandel Hall and Terrace, NGA

2.15 pm – 4 pm
Plenary Session 2: Arts and Community Health

Chair: Clive Parkinson, Director, Arts in Health, Manchester Metropolitan University, England

Mike White, Research and Development Fellow in Arts in Health, Centre for Medical Humanities and St Chad's College, University of Durham, England; author of Arts Development in Community Health: a social tonic (Radcliffe 2009)
Art in Health: A New Prognosis

Imants Tillers artist
Arts and Health from the Artist’s Perspective

Kim McConville Executive Director, Beyond Empathy
Just One Less - Social Sculpture Project, Armidale NSW

David Doyle, Executive Director, DADAA, Fremantle
David Handley, Founding Director, Sculpture by the Sea, Sydney
Sculpture by the Sea Tactile Tours

Q & A

4 pm - 5.20 pm
Afternoon breakout sessions

5.30 pm - 7.30 pm
Findings: The Story of The Lost Generation Project
Established in 2007, The Lost Generation Project now has significant outcomes and is the focus of the Disseminate project’s evaluation activities in 2010 – 2011. Project partners: DADAA Inc., West Australian Disability Services Commission and Rio Tinto.