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Arts and Health Australia

Program at a Glance

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1.00pm Registrations: Delegates collect name tags and conference satchels. Directions: From the main entrance of the Art Gallery of NSW, walk straight along the ground floor to the Function Area and glass windows looking out over Woolloomooloo.
2.00pm Welcome by the Australian Centre for Arts and Health and the Art Gallery of NSW with directions about the location of each workshop. Gallery volunteers will escort groups to their workshops.
2.30pm - 4.30pm

Interactive and Practical Workshops - Outstanding Professional Development Training Choice of one workshop. Limited to 25 people per workshop - allocation of place following conference registration

    Anne Basting – The Role of Storytelling in Aged Care - from the author of the best-selling book "Forget Memory: Creating Better Lives for People with Dementia". This interactive session will explore the relationship between storytelling and self, and how storytelling can build community among staff, families, elders and volunteers. Anne Basting will share creative exercises from her work with TimeSlips Creative Storytelling (shifting from memory to imagination) and from her recent project - Arts At Home, in which she collaborated with Sojourn Theatre to develop artfully posed "Questions of the Day" to engage elders living alone or under-connected to their communities.
    Gary Glazner – Director, Alzheimer’s Poetry Project - a practical demonstration of how to create poetry, inspired by Australian art, to reach people living with memory loss. While in Sydney, Gary is also leading a poetry and dementia workshop with ageing inmates, living with dementia, at Long Bay Correctional Facility.
    Laurel Humble, Laurel Humble, Educator, Museum of Modern Art, New York will demonstrate the acclaimed Meet me at MoMA Alzheimer’s Program and MoMA’s new Prime Time Program for Older Adults. Joining Laurel in the workshop are Ed Watts, Engagement Manager, The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, with Danielle Gullotta, AGNSW and Anne Lunnon, Alzheimer’s Australia (NSW)This workshop is a practical guide to engaging people with dementia through the visual arts.
    Dominic Campbell (former artistic director, Bealtaine Festival, Ireland), Emma Robinson, (director, Gwanwyn Creative AgeingFestival Wales), Julie Priest (co-ordinator, Celebrate Creative Ageing Festival, Port Macquarie will share their experiences and insights in designing successful creative ageing festivals. This is a Blueprint for Communities and Local Governments to follow their lead and create a series of creative ageing festivals across NSW in a statewide initiative under the banner Celebrate Creative Ageing!


8.00am - 8.20pm Registrations: Delegates collect name tags and conference satchels Registrations in the Foyer outside the Utzon Room, Ground Floor Sydney Opera House eastern end. Enter via the entrance to the Opera Theatre and take the steps to the ground floor, near the Sydney Opera House Shop and Cloak Room.
8.30am - 10.00am
  • Welcome to Celebrate Creative Ageing Sydney, Margret Meagher, Executive Director, The Australian Centre for Arts and Health. Acknowledgments to conference partners, Art Gallery of NSW and Sydney Opera House. Margret will introduce international guest speakers.
  • Welcome to Country. Aunty Millie Ingram is a Wiradjuri woman from Cowra in Central NSW now resident in Sydney.
  • The Hon Jillian Skinner MLC, NSW Minister for Health and NSW Minister for Medical Research. Arts and Health in Public Hospitals and Health Promotion in the Community
  • The Wall, sponsored by Aroha Philanthropies, an animated short film created by American film maker Russ Haan, which redefines how the arts can have an impact on prejudiced view of ageing.
  • The Hon. John Ajaka, MP, NSW Minister for Ageing, NSW Minister for Disability and NSW Minister for Multicultural ism. Official Opening and presentation on Creative Ageing in the NSW whole of government ageing strategy.
10.00am – 11.15am SESSION 1:
Loneliness and Social Isolation - Creative Solutions
  • Janet Morrison, CEO Independent Age, UK; Co-founder Campaign to end Loneliness UK; Chair, Baring Foundation, UK
    Challenging Loneliness through a Creative Older Age
  • Gabbi Mesters, Project Leader, Long Live Arts, The Netherlands
    Creative Ageing in the European Union
  • Steve Teulan, Director, Uniting Care Ageing, NSW/ACT and Member, NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing (MACA)
    Celebrating Diversity in Ageing
  • Kerrie Noonan, Director, The Groundswell Project, Sydney
    Asking the hard questions: "Dying to Know Day"
  • Gary Glazner, A Reflection by our Poet in Residence
11.15am – 11.45am Morning Tea
11.45am – 1.15pm SESSION 2:
The Role of the Visual Arts in Ageing Well
  • Andrew Newman, Senior Lecturer and Researcher, School of Arts and Culture, University of Newcastle, UK
    Wellbeing in Older People through the Visual Arts
  • Laurel Humble, Educator, Museum of Modern Art, New York
    Prime Time, Visual Arts Program for Older Adults at MoMA
  • Ed Watts, Engagement Manager, The Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester UK
    Danger! Men at Work at the Whitworth
  • Gary Glazner, A Reflection by our Poet in Residence
1.15pm – 2.15pm Lunch
2.15pm – 4.30pm SESSION 3:
  • Dominic Campbell, Founder and Artistic Director, Creative Ageing International, Ireland/UK
    What kind of 'Abundant Old' do you want to be? What kind of world do you want to grow 'old' in?
  • Elizabeth Rogers, CEO, Regional Arts NSW
    Shining Examples of Creative Ageing in the Country
  • Janet Morrison, CEO, Independent Age UK and Chair, Baring Foundation UK
    Creative ageing in the local space – the valuable role of local government
  • Margaret Kay, Senior Policy Officer, Ageing and Disability, Local Government NSW
    Creative Ageing Local Government Grants Program 2014–15. Local input – local impact. Film clips from Re-Imagine Ageing, Penrith City Council.
  • Emma Robinson, Arts and Creativity Programme Manager, Age Cymru and Director, Gwanwyn Creative Ageing Festival, Wales, UK
    cARTrefu - Artists in Residence program in aged care homes, funded by Arts Council Wales and Baring Foundation UK
  • Gary Glazner, A Reflection by our Poet in Residence


8.00am Registrations: Ground Floor Foyer leading to the Utzon Room
8.30am – 10am Welcome Margret Meagher, The Australian Centre for Arts and Health
Direct Broadcast ABC Radio National – presented by Natasha Mitchell with guest panelists - Anne Basting, Dominic Campbell, Emma Robinson, Gary Glazner, Laurel Humble
10am – 10.30am Morning Tea
10.30am – 12.30pm SESSION 4:
Are the arts an effective way to challenge the onset and advance of dementia?
  • Anne Basting – TimeSlips Creative Storytelling Project. Case Study: "Finding Penelope"
  • Brad Lichtenstein, documentary film maker - "Finding Penelope"
  • Karn Nelson, Executive General Manager Strategic Policy and Research, The Whiddon Group NSW
    Creative Ageing and Wellbeing: The Whiddon Approach
  • Guy Luscombe, Architect and Director, AJA, Sydney
    The NANA Project: New Architcture for the New Aged
  • Chris Mead, Creature Tales, Tasmania
    Speaking the language of your audience to influence change
  • The Hon Leslie Williams MP, Minister Early Childhood Education, Assistant Minister Education, Minister Aboriginal Affairs
    Dementia Friendly Communities
  • Gary Glazner, A Reflection by our Poet in Residence
12.30pm – 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm – 3pm SESSION 5:
Using the arts to excite the imagination and combat cognitive decline
  • Andrew Newman Senior Lecturer and Researcher, School of Arts and Culture, Newcastle University, UK
    Dementia and Imagination: A Major Research Study in the UK
  • Rob Osborne Producer, Red Room Company, Sydney
    "Unlocked" poetry program in NSW prisons
  • Gary Glazner, Founder and Director, Alzheimer’s Poetry Project, New York
    Imagination through Poetry. Case Study: Arts Programs for Ageing Inmates in Correction Facilities: Fishkill, New York
3pm – 4.30pm SESSION 6:
  • Talk Show, hosted by 80 year old June Hickey and her sidekick, Antonia Seymour from Urban Theatre Projects, Sydney.
    With a wry sense of humour, June and Antonia will soft shoe shuffle their way between interviews with international guest panelists. The ensuing commentary about ageing in our society will make for an amusing and ultimately inspiring and insightful conclusion to the Celebrate Creative Ageing Sydney 2015 conference. Panelists include Janet Morrison, Chris Mead, Adriane Boag, Gabbi Mesters and Ed Watts.
  • Gary Glazner, Poet in Residence presents "Our Poem"
  • Closing Remarks, Margret Meagher, Executive Director, The Australian Centre for Arts and Health
    What's next?