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A Whole of Government Ageing Strategy for NSW

Kathryn GreinerKathryn Greiner

Kathryn is the Chair of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing (MACA), which is the official advisory body to the NSW Government on matters of interest to older people. The committee provides advice to Government, conducts consultations and seminars and publishes discussion papers on ageing issues. Policy advice and administrative support are provided by Secretariat staff based in the Office for Ageing, Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Department of Family and Community Services NSW.

Kathryn has contributed in a wide range of leadership positions in public and private companies, government bodies and non-profit organisations. She was an elected Councillor to the City of Sydney Council from 1995 until 2004. Kathryn currently chairs an investment fund, Bio Tech Capital and Loreto Kirribilli School Council. She has recently completed the Review of Funding for Schooling (The Gonski Report) and her term as Chair of Australian Hearing.

Kathryn has held Directorships for Pacific Power, John Singleton Advertising; Carlovers Ltd and the Financial Planning Association and been a member of the Bond University Council and a member of the Advisory Council of L.E.K. Consulting Ltd. Kathryn's non-profit activities include or have included: Director Bell Shakespeare Company; Chair of the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeals; Chair of Save the Children Australia and Chair of Sydney Peace Prize Foundation.
